Wheelock’s Latin, 7th edition
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Capvt II: Nouns and Cases; First Declension; Agreement of Adjectives; Syntax
Capvt III: Second Declension: Masculine Nouns and Adjectives; Apposition; Word Order
Capvt V: first and Second Conjugations: future and Imperfect; Adjectives in -er
Capvt VII: Third Declension Nouns
Capvt IX: Demonstratives Hie, IIle, Iste; Special -IUS Adjectives
Capvt X: Fourth Conjugation and -io Verbs of the Third
Capvt XI: Personal Pronouns Ego, Tui, and Si Demonstratives Is and Idem
Capvt XII: Perfect Active System of All Verbs
Capvt XIII: Reflexive Pronouns and Possessives; Intensive Pronoun
Capvt XIV: I-Stem Nouns of the Third Declension; Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, and Manner
Capvt XVI: Third Declension Adjectives
Capvt XVII: The Relative Pronoun
Capvt XVIII: First and Second Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System; Ablative of Agent
Capvt XIX: Perfect Passive System of All Verbs; Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives
Capvt XX: Fourth Declension; Ablatives of Place from Which and Separation